Created in 2004, the High Council for Sustainable Development advises the government by issuing opinions on all measures relating to the country's national sustainable development policy and the implementation of its international commitments. Its mission is to encourage the widest possible participation of public and private organizations as well as citizens in achieving a sustainable society. Conceived as a discussion forum at the crossroads of politics, social, economic and scientific issues, it is composed of 15 personalities from all walks of life in Luxembourg society. 


Through the "One Planet Luxembourg" initiative, the CSDD wishes to create a network of common interests around the challenges of sustainable development and unite the community of those who believe that the time has come for politics to take concrete action of these issues.

The Manifesto is the synthesis of the message that the CSDD offers everyone to convince politicians to act concretely during the next electoral term, so that the parties that will form a coalition take into account the demands and themes of the Manifesto in their government program. .

Signing this Manifesto is therefore a form of commitment on your part to contribute to the strength and dissemination of this message.

Each natural person and each organization is free to adhere to this Manifesto. Through its signature, it will testify to the importance it attributes to the challenges of sustainable development in Luxembourg.

For a legal person (organization): the signatory of the Manifesto must be a person having the quality of legal representative of his organization or holds the power to sign on behalf of the organization to which he belongs and to bind it.

To make the issues of sustainable development, climate change, biodiversity loss, ecological footprint and the risk of exacerbating social inequalities in our country exist in the political debate and the media, any initiative (individual or collective) in favor of these topics will count during this election year.

In addition to signing this Manifesto (which is free and not legally binding), you can contribute to it for example by :


You are a legal entity

  • the organization of round tables/conferences/events taking into account these issues by involving One Planet Luxembourg
  • by proposing initiatives that One Planet Luxembourg could support
  • participating in events in Luxembourg on these subjects
  • sending a letter to political parties to ask that these issues be taken into account in their electoral programs
  • by speaking out in the media on these issues
  • by integrating these topics into your public interventions
  • sharing on your social networks (by adding the hashtag #oneplanetluxembourg)
  • sharing the initiative with your network of professional partners
  • by relaying the initiative One Planet Luxembourg to your employees and in your internal media
  • integrating these issues into the life of your organization and thinking about a long-term transition strategy
  • using the logo One Planet Luxembourg in your internal and external events
  • by co-organizing (through your organization's presence) with the One Planet Luxembourg a pre-election event for political parties in September.


You are an individual

  • initiating a discussion/exchange with the people around you (family, job, association, neighborhood, etc.) on the possibilities and the role of each in the transition
  • by sharing the initiative One Planet Luxembourg with your network
  • posting messages to raise awareness in your community on these topics with the hashtag #oneplanetluxembourg
  • by participating in events organized in Luxembourg on these subjects
  • participating in the pre-election event with the political parties of One Planet Luxembourg and its partners in September
  • if you are involved in a party, contact its leadership to ask that these issues be considered in the electoral program


The name and logo "One Planet Luxembourg" are available for all these initiatives (on request at contact@oneplanetluxembourg.lu). Do not hesitate to contact us for this.

Any opportunity is welcome to weigh in on the debate and to point out to the political parties the importance of these subjects for public opinion!


Any signatory of the Manifesto may organize events or take a public position using the name and logo of "One Planet Luxembourg", by making a prior written request to contact@oneplanetluxembourg.lu and explaining the context and details of their project.

The signatory of the Manifesto may, of course, request at any time that his or her name or that of his or her organization be removed from the list of signatories by sending a written request to contact@oneplanetluxembourg.lu

You can send a message to the CSDD at contact@oneplanetluxembourg.lu

My name or the name of my organization may be published on this site. I will receive information in relation to the events and actions of the CSDD and One Planet Luxembourg. My name and contact information will not be used for any other purpose.


I/we ask that the demands of this Manifesto be discussed in the election campaign and taken into account in the coalition negotiations that will follow the municipal and national elections.

If you wish to sign up to the Manifesto on behalf of a commercial company, an institution or an organisation please be aware that the company, institution, organisation must sign up to all the points in the Manifesto, not just a few. This commitment is public and will also be relayed to political parties. For more information, please consult the Q&A section.